Tuesday 11 October 2011

Maternity Wear

Was your wardrobe Glamorous or just Grim?

Did you spend your pregnancy in PJ's and Jogging bottoms or did you look like you had been Gok Wan'd everytime you stepped out the door?

I have had 3 pregnancies and have felt frumpy through every one of them but people always commented on how nice i looked.... or were they just being polite??? (Probably!!)

I didn't even look pregnant for the first 5 months when i was pregnant with my first daughter, i managed to use most of my normal sized everyday clothes during the first few months. And being in my twenties looking good was essential before i stepped out onto the pavement, i always had my hair done and make up on - however i was feeling. This was quite an effort when you are battling with morning sickness, but the key was to go to bed early and get up that bit earlier (not that i slept much).

I spent most of my days in black trousers and a fitted top because of work and this meant i really didn't need to think to much about my wardrobe!

When i was pregnant with my boy, i gained stones, not just looking pregnant with a belly but a definate expansion in the bum area and boob area. There was no way i would have fit in my 'normal' clothes. i had to be creative, luckliy fashion was on my side and it was winter, YEEAAAHHH!

So i opted for maternity jeans, bootcut, boyfriend fit and skinny fit, all teamed with some not so glamorous knit wear and some long sleeve maternity tops in black, white and grey. Boring you may think, but this was a cheap way to look great (after raiding the DP and H&M sale rails) and using accessories(that i already had) to put the colour back into those rainy days.

The third time round after piling back on the couple of stone that i had struggled to lose the second time round and giving away all my maternity clothes after saying 'i am never doing that again!' I had to go out and buy maternity clothes, with her being due in October i had the summer to contend with. Once again i opted for skinny jeans, bootcut jeans, linen trousers, a selection of short sleeved tops (some from the sale rails and others from next online) and an elasticated boho type skirt that i already had, teamed up with flip flops and the fit flops i invested in and accessories i felt fab up until those last few weeks when not even a £5,000 dress would make you feel attractive!

I must say i sold all the NEXT bits i bought on eBay and made back some money and when i bought them i bought the multi packs which were better value so all was good and it stopped the OH from moaning! :-)

Have a look at eBay to see if anyone is selling there old maternity bits, as you know they are only worn for a few months and some people spend a fortune so you may grab a bargain!

Make sure you pop on that necklace or bracelet, who would have thought something so small could make you feel so much better???

And when people comment on how you look, smile, say thank you and walk away with your head held high!

Rachael x

Please leave your comments about your capsule wardrobes, your fashion tips and fashion disasters!

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